Our Corporate
Social Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) agenda is about much more than just doing the right thing. It is about building a more robust, resilient business that serves both our people and the planet. Therefore, we have integrated CSR into our management systems across our organization.

We incorporate the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as our framework for global sustainable development. As a global Energy company, we are working towards the SDGs to contribute to a more sustainable future. Through our good corporate citizenship initiatives, as well as our commitment to environmental protection and sustainable resource use, we are closing the loop of our CSR agenda.

The environment is threatened by resource depletion and climate change. Environmental protection is a key pillar of our operations and helps us contribute to four environmentally relevant goals.

Our society faces challenges like poverty and social inequality. We care about the communities we belong to and support our employees’ initiatives around the globe. In this context, good corporate citizenship forms another pillar of our social responsibility.

We are committed to business ethics by upholding the highest ethical and human rights standards in our work and interactions with key stakeholders. We refuse to participate in bribery, corruption, and other unethical practices.

Through our products and services, we provide safe Products while contributing to the economic development of our target markets.

Our employees are passionate about our mission and vision, They play an important role in advancing sustainability goals.

Our Commitment to
Renewable Energy
& Green Footprint

The hallmark of our landmark energy project is its sensitivity to its environmental impact and the measures consciously put in place to minimize same. The waste to energy component of the project will serve to address the current tyre waste crises being faced by the country by utilizing waste tyres in the production of fuel and other above listed products. Further the incorporation of sustainable energy wind mill farms make the project green energy footprint even more pronounced. It must be noted that these measures go beyond ETL’s green energy portfolio and will find their way into the countries sustainability efforts reports.