Neoma Metals

NEOMA METALS is an independent Geological and Mining Consultancy firm contracted by ETL Consulting to provide consultancy services with respect to our Geological and Mining Activities in Botswana. This firm is charged with undertaking rigorous research and data review processes to produce balanced, independent, focused and International Codes compliant technical reports and audits aimed mostly at identifying and mitigating areas of risk. In conjunction with their pre-approved AAA rated international partners, NEOMA METALS oversees current geological activities by ETL Consulting and its Subsidiaries to provide daily and monthly Progress reports as per the exploration programs for each active concession. NEOMA METALS undertakes Exploration Project Management on our behalf ensuring that experienced service providers are engaged and further ensuring that appropriate Quality Control and Quality Assurance processes are put in place when undertaking the various field programs including Mapping, Prospecting, Soil and Rock Sampling, Airborne and ground geophysical surveys, and Drilling. Considering the cost implications of geological data collection, NEOMA METALS is mandated to assist us to maximize the value of all available datasets by analyzing all data as an integrated whole rather than in isolation ensuring that Geo-Physical data interact with Geological data during analysis and rendering a three dimensional interpretation thereof ensuring efficient budget usage and increasing the odds of resource discovery.