Lithium PL0008/24, PL0009/24, and PL0010/24 are all situated within the water bodies of the Makgadikgadi Pans; between Tutume and Boteti Districts. These are high value assets and our preliminary studies indicate the presence of hypersaline brines with TDS values up to a maximum of 150,000 mg/l and conductivities up to 163,000 μS/cm. Samples recorded lithium values in excess of 1.0 mg/L with the highest being 4.1 mg/L. The Prospecting Licenses are believed to be underlain by a lacustrine calcareous sandstone-siltstone unit of tertiary age and capped by a hard-siliceous sinter layer at surface, based on observations of the rock chip samples from the previous drilling program.
ETL is actively exploring Lithium-Ion battery manufacturing in Botswana. The Nano-carbons produced from the refineries will be made use of in this process as opposed to them being exported to external markets. It is our priority to improve our value chain in that regard and further diversify our portfolio.