Diamond Mining Prospects

Botswana is the world’s largest producer of diamonds by value and the second largest producer by volume. Some of the world’s largest diamonds have been found in this country. Despite this wealth of Diamond, the country has been able to remain conflict free and its diamonds are the biggest contributor towards sustainable development. Arguably, Botswana provides the best environment in the world for investment miners due to its unparalleled economic and political stability. 

ETL Consulting, through its subsidiary BraveTec, holds three high value diamond prospecting licences covering a total area of 1691.66 kilometres squares. Prospecting Licence 0082/2024 is located about 2 kilometers south of Debswana’s Mining Licence number 1975/8L in Letlhakane. At its peak in 2011, Letlhakane Mine produced 1 million carats of gem quality diamonds and boasts a documented capacity of up to 800 000 carats per annum. This Licence covers an area of 212.04 kilometers squares in the Orapa kimberlite field. The Orapa kimberlite field, hosts the discovery of over 81 kimberlites and it contains five of today’s eight operating diamond mines in Botswana. The Orapa kimberlite field is considered as the most significant field to date, with favourable prospecting conditions and less sand cover compared to other fields in the country.

Prospecting Licence 0042/2024 covers an area of 814.99 kilometers squares. The claim falls within the Kokong Kimberlite Field. To date the Kokong Field has recorded over 76 kimberlites pipes and it has attracted much attention due to advancements in the prospecting technology and most recent discoveries suggesting potential for future economic finds. This Licence hosts about 8 known kimberlite pipes and it provides the tremendous prospects for future discoveries. 

Prospecting Licence 0043/2024 covers a total area of 664.63 kilometres squares, the prospecting claim lies adjacent to Ghaghoo Mine of Mining Licence 2010/97L owned by Gem Diamonds. Ghaghoo Mine is an underground mine with a total resource estimated at 20.5 million carats. PL 0043/2024 is known to host at least 4 confirmed kimberlite pipes with very high prospects of new discoveries.