Further to the afore-mentioned Iron Ore Interests, Premier-Mining Consortium(“PMC”), a subsidiary of ETL Consulting Botswana holds five prospecting licences (PL) for Copper Deposits. The total area for PMC copper prospecting is 2203.44 square kilometres.
Three of these licenses lie along the Kalahari Copper Belt (KCB) which is a hotspot for Botswana copper deposit. Prospecting License 0282/2023 covers 734.08 square kilometres and is located about 15 kilometres North-West of Khoemacau Copper mine which was recently sold at a cost of $1.9 Billion.
Prospecting Licence 0200/2023 is located 10 kilometres south of Khoemacau, covering an area of 165.36 square kilometres. Khoemacau has an estimated mine life of over 20 years with an annual production of between 40000 and 50000 tonnes of copper in copper concentrate. Ore at Khoemacau is mined from underground using the long hole stoping method and transported by truck on haul road to the processing plant.
PL0280/2023 lies between Khoemacau and Sandfire Copper mines and it covers an area of 93.17 kilometers squared. The prospect lies about 5 kilometres south of Khoemacau’s satellite deposits named the “Banana deposit”. Sandfire mine was granted a mining licence in 2011 and is in full production, verified data indicates that the mine will produce roughly 30000 tonnes of copper and 1.2 million ounces of silver per annum.
PL0281/2023 lies on the edge of the great Kalahari Copper belt and covers an area of 940.35 kilometres squared. The area is highly prospective for Rare Earth elements (REE) and it is believed to be the future of Botswana’s prospecting for critical metals.
PL0283/2023 covers an area of 248.25 kilometres squared, west of BCL and PNR mines in the North East of Botswana. Several borehole data indicates significant intersection of Nickel deposit in the prospecting area. The area lies only 5 Kilometres from the PNR mines. During its operation BCL produced over 50000 tonnes per annum of copper concentrate and significant nickel resources as well as undisclosed quantities of precious metals.